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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Verizon Fios - The Internet Service that can't take Internet Orders

Okay, nothing gets me more crazed then things like this. I've tried 3 seperate times over the past couple of weeks to sign up to Verizon FiOS. I'm currently a Comcast customer and have been wanting the tasty speed of a true fiber optic connection.

So, today i decided that today would be the day that Verizon would answer my dorky dreams. Upon going through the entire registration and order process, I was greeted with the lovely Verizon screen of death. In the middle of my anger, I began to ask myself why I would even want to order Internet service from a company that's can't process Internet Orders??? Why?

Below is the screen shot of my wonderful error page. I've seen this on 3 seperate tries and have had enough.

Help spread the word and let's take the order process back!

Long time no chat....

Well gang, I've been way too busy to explain but i need to get something off my chest.

I kinda gave up the whole blog thing up until Verizon decided to shank me today. I'm hoping you guys can help spread the word...

stay tuned...